রবিবার ২২শে ডিসেম্বর, ২০২৪ খ্রিস্টাব্দ | ৭ই পৌষ, ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ

Let your kids loose in the kitchen to cook up cheesy baked eggs for breakfast

  |   বৃহস্পতিবার, ১৪ মার্চ ২০১৩ | প্রিন্ট

Let your kids loose in the kitchen to cook up cheesy baked eggs for breakfast

Nothing made me happier when I was a child than being allowed the chance to run amok in the kitchen by my parents.
The sheer exquisite pleasure of being let loose in a grown-up’s world and taking responsibility for feeding the rest of the family (god bless ’em for ALWAYS saying whatever I cooked was lovely) gave me such a buzz.
But not only that, it also gave me an extremely important life skill too.
A life skill that unfortunately fewer and fewer people seem to have these days.
I am not joking when I say most of my friends (all very bright women) wouldn’t be able to cook themselves a decent meal if their life depended on it!
And there is most definitely a common denominator and that seems to be that they were never allowed to go into the kitchen as kids in case they messed it up!
So I am on a mission to get everyone – never mind the mess – to let their sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, or grandchildren into the kitchen tomorrow morning to make breakfast for everyone.
As you can see, I have done a super easy step-by-step guide that they can follow. But keep a sharp eye on them though as we don’t want any accidents!
Go on, let your youngsters have a go. They will love it and you will get a yummy breakfast too so it’s a win-win situation. And as for all my mates – why don’t you have a go too?

Cheesy baked eggs with roasted tomatoes

1tbsp butter
4 slices ham
100g favourite hard cheese
4 large eggs
Tomatoes on vine, drizzled in olive oil and roasted in oven
You will also need
Small saucepan
Muffin tin
Pastry brush
Kitchen scissors
Oven gloves
Palette knife

Cheesy Baked Eggs with roasted Tomatoes

1 Melt the butter in a pan using a gentle heat – you just want to melt it, not boil it away! Then using your pastry brush, lightly brush the muffin tray with the butter.

Cheesy Baked Eggs with roasted Tomatoes

2 Now place a slice of ham in each muffin hole and trim the edges with the scissors. Carefully grate the cheese – watch your fingers – and sprinkle inside the four ham cups.

Cheesy Baked Eggs with roasted Tomatoes
Cheesy Baked Eggs with roasted Tomatoes

3 Crack an egg into a small bowl, then pour it gently into one ham cup. Repeat until each ham cup has an egg. Now bake them for 10 minutes at 180 degrees. Put on oven gloves so you don’t burn yourself and have a peek. If they are not set, put them back for a minute.

Cheesy Baked Eggs with roasted Tomatoes
Cheesy Baked Eggs with roasted Tomatoes

4 Put on your oven gloves again or you will burn yourself, and take the hot tray out of the oven. Put it down on a damp cloth or metal draining board. Gently lift out your baked eggs with the palette knife and serve with the roasted tomatoes. Well done!

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Posted ০৩:০৪ | বৃহস্পতিবার, ১৪ মার্চ ২০১৩

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